They say a great film is made in the editing room - this, I agree with.
No matter what the content, it is the edit that will make or break it. Conferences, music videos, viral YouTube hits, Weddings, short films, promos, feature documentaries, live events — if it’s been shot, chances are I’ve edited it over my 12 years as a video editor.
Whether you need a compilation, a polished final cut, or something with a little more pazazz, I’m happy to discuss what’s needed so we can make something you and your audiences will love.

A few noteable clients

Since spring 2024, I have been working alongside Viva Longevity! (previously Plant Chompers) editing content, sprucing up graphics, and working on paicng.
These fascinating YouTube videos are viewed by hundreds of thousands of people each month.

As well as directing, and shooting Network Rail's training videos, I am assigned to edit them over the years with great feedback throughout.
As one of the UK's largest train lines, these videos will be used to train signallers and train drivers for years to come.

Working alongside Desq, I have been consistently hired to not only write and direct scenes for training purposes within KPMG, but also to edit the footage also.
As one of the 'Big Four' accounting firms in the world, it is great to know my work is helping keep ethics and knowledge up to date within the busines