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Urban Legends (2016)
Luke Mordue
Natasha Branson, Nathaniel Francis, Luke Mordue
Luke Mordue
Whether it's homicides or hauntings, monsters or madmen, we all know the tales of woe that happened to a friend of a friend.
This dark anthology retells a series of sinister stories that have been famously told worldwide, with all of us having once, or still believing in an Urban Legend.
Luke Mordue
Natasha Branson, Nathaniel Francis, Luke Mordue
Luke Mordue
Behind the Scenes
'Urban Legends was an idea thought up during the pre-production of our feature productions. Knowing we would not be creating any content to share for some time, I decided to gather friends and reenact 7 famous Urban Legends with mixed results.
The series has been shown online and in cinemas across the world and was the inspiration for the new podcast series available on the menu above.'
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